COVID-19 vaccines are now available for children 6 months to under 5 years of age

YourGP is NOT currently part of the vaccine roll-out for this age group. Participating practices are listed at the bottom of this message. Receiving this email does not mean your child is eligible.
Children aged 6 months to under 5 years of age with:
severe immunocompromise, e.g. cancer, leukaemia, organ transplant, immunosuppressive medication
bone marrow or stem cell transplant,
complex congenital cardiac disease
structural airway abnormalities or severe chronic lung disease
type 1 diabetes mellitus
chronic neurological or neuromuscular conditions
a disability that requires additional caring support, such as severe cerebral palsy or Down Syndrome.

The vaccine is Moderna. The strength is a quarter of the adult dose and half the dose for kids 5-11 years.
Two doses, with a recommended interval of 8 weeks. In severe immunocompromise, three doses, each dose 8 weeks apart. The interval can be shortened to a minimum of 4 weeks in special circumstances for example, before your child starts any immunosuppressive treatment or before overseas travel. A longer interval is preferable to reduce side effects and to increase longer-term immunity. Following a COVID-19 infection, delay vaccination by 3 months.
Side effects and safety
Most side effects are mild and last no more than a few days. Common reactions to vaccination include: pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site
fever (11% after dose one, 15% after dose 2)
Trials detected no cases of myocarditis or pericarditis.
The trials were performed on over 500,000 children aged less than 5.

Preferably wait 7-14 days between this vaccine and other vaccines, to reduce the risk of side effects such as fever.
My child is not eligible, and I am concerned
ATAGI does not recommend vaccination for children aged 6 months to less than 5 years of age.
Participating clinics
Only a limited number of practices have been chosen to participate. They receive a very limited supply. Kenolta medical centre, Nicholls,
Healthfount, Macquarie,
Next Practice, Deakin,
Fadden Medical Centre
Weston Creek Vaccination Clinic includes an Access and Sensory Clinic for those who may need a single room or dimmed lights.
There are also participating practices in Googong, QBN, and Yass.

To find a clinic near you, go to

Those without a medicare card should go to the Weston Creek location.
Kindest regards,
Drs John and Mel Deery, on behalf of everyone at YourGP.