COVID Positive Patient Information
YourGP provides this information to help you know what to expect when diagnosed with COVID-19. We wish you the best with your recovery.
ACT Public Health will notify you of your positive result via SMS. They will send a survey to find out if you have been in a high-risk location, for example, a nursing home.
There are currently too many people for public health to effectively reach out to provide proactive assessment and support. We need your help.
It is imperative that you urgently contact your usual GP or our practice if you are at high risk of a severe COVID infection. This allows us to assess if you need urgent and time-critical preventative treatments/monitoring and link you into Covid Care@home.
Contact us urgently for assessment if any of the following apply:
If you are:
NOT double vaccinated AND have one of the following:
- Diabetes (requiring medication)
- Obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2)
- Chronic kidney disease (i.e. eGFR < 60)
- Congestive heart failure
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (history of chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive lung disease, or emphysema)
- Moderate-to-severe asthma (requiring an inhaled steroid to control symptoms or prescribed a course of oral steroids in the previous 12 months)
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- Age ≥ 55 years or baby < 3 months
Vaccinated but:
- Immunocompromised
- Pregnant > 20 weeks
If you can’t find an appointment online with us, there is a ‘cancellation list’ appointment type.

Book into the cancellation list at any practice in a COVID positive telehealth appointment.

Type your reason for the appointment. A GP will call you.
Alternatively, call the practice 6109 0000 and let the staff know you need urgent assessment for COVID positive patients.
COVID Care@home.
ACT COVID Care@home is a team of adult and paediatric nurses supported by an on-call medical team. They are available to you 24 hours a day on (02) 5124 3085.
Ideally, COVID Care@home would call to assess all COVID positive patients; however, there are currently too many people to contact.
They can support you if you have questions or are concerned you are worsening. If you are moderate or high risk, they will provide an oxygen saturation machine if one is available.
If you live in NSW, you can call NSW Health Covid-19 Care at Home Support Line on 1800 960 933.
Drop-in clinic.
The Garran Surge Centre (Garran School oval, 123 Kitchener St, Garran) is a clinic available to those with a COVID infection. It provides assessment and treatment for COVID and non-COVID non-life-threatening medical issues. It is open seven days a week from 7.30 am to 10 pm.
No appointment is needed for this free service.
What do I do if I think I am getting worse?
If you are concerned that you are worsening, contact COVID Care@home.
It would be helpful for you to collect the following information, if possible, before calling or while you are on hold – heart rate (beats per minute), respiratory rate (breaths per minute), oxygen saturation (if available) and temperature.
If you have severe symptoms, call 000 and advise you have a COVID infection. Wear a mask when the paramedics attend.
Severe symptoms include:
- your oxygen level is 92% or less when you test using the pulse oximeter, even if you feel okay
- worsening shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- blue lips or face
- pain or pressure in the chest
- cold and clammy, or pale and mottled, skin
- fainting or collapse
- being more confused
- becoming difficult to wake up
- little or no urine (wee) output – less urine than usual, even though you have been drinking lots of fluid
- coughing up blood
You can also contact your GP over telehealth for advice and support. Usual telehealth fees will apply. You are welcome to book a telehealth appointment at YourGP if you do not have a regular GP. You strictly cannot visit the practice in person without prior arrangement with your GP.
ACT health resources – essential reading. Includes local advice on what to do when you find out you have a COVID infection, whom to tell and how to isolate.
Medications for those at high risk of severe infection:
Monitoring yourself at home.
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners managing yourself at home.
Children – what to look out for at various ages (written for health professionals).
Adults – what to look out for (written for health professionals).
Grocery delivery options in Canberra.
If you do not have a current prescription, you can have a telehealth appointment with your GP (usual fees apply), who can send you an e-script to your mobile phone or email. You can then forward this to your chosen pharmacy. Many pharmacies will deliver to your home for a small fee. Contact your pharmacy to inquire about their delivery options. Remember to get their email/mobile details so you can forward the prescription to them.
Financial support for businesses and individuals.
Up to $1500 for eligible individuals or $10,000 for a business.
Release from isolation
Isolate at home for at least seven days from the day you had your PCR test.
If you have no symptoms on day seven and are not waiting for a PCR result, you can return to everyday living and leave your home.
You do not need a further test. You will receive a message from ACT Health releasing you from isolation in the ACT.
Wear a mask when leaving home and avoid visiting high-risk settings (including YourGP) for at least three days following your release from isolation or the end of your symptoms, whichever comes last.
Royal Australian College of GPs resource for caring for yourself after COVID.
NSW specific information re what to expect post-COVID
The above information will change regularly as our understanding of COVID grows and with the public health system’s capacity.
National mental health support lines
◦ Lifeline 13 11 14
◦ Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
◦ MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78
◦ National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline 1800 250 015
◦ Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
◦ COVID National Mental Wellbeing support 1800 512 348.
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